Commissioners’ Minutes
Auditor’s Conference Room
35th Business Meeting
August 24, 2021
10:00 a.m.

The Lawrence County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on the above date and time.
Freddie Hayes Jr., President of the Board opened the meeting with roll call and recited the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Invocation:
Mrs. DeAnna Holliday, President ———– Present
Dr. Colton Copley, Vice President —– Present
Mr. Freddie Hayes, Jr., Member —————— Present

Motion by Commissioner Copley , Seconded by Commissioner Hayes

To approve theMinutes of the Meeting held on August 12, 2021 as corrected:

Roll Call: Mr. Hayes-Yes     Dr.Copley-Yes      Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Hayes            , Seconded by Commissioner Holliday

To approve the following floodplain permits submitted by the Soil and Water Conservation District:


2021-824 Lawrence County Engineer-Filling & grading and paving projects on Chesapeake N. Htg.

Heights, CR 6,TR 248W, 191,102,266, 184W, 271W, 1378-1380, 267,219, 130N, 130S, 130A, 1334,

1024, 1033, 1336, 194E, 1122, 1125,1135-1137,

1244-1246, 1526, 1533, 1537,238


2021-818 McSweeney’s Mill & Mine Service-Filling & grading project located at 7860 Co. Rd. 5 2021-819Lawrence County Engineer-Filling & grading, culverts, ditching and general maintenance projects located on allCounty Road R.O.W.

2021-820 Ice Creek Land Company/Preston Development-Filling & grading project located on Co. Rd. 24 and Co. Rd.181

2021-821 Rome Township-Grading, culverts, paving and maintenance projects located on all Township Road R.O.W.

2021-822 Donovan Watson-Filling & grading and Stream maintenance projects located after 2809 Co. Rd.37

2021-823 Richard L. Ingles-Stream maintenance project located at 23219 St. Rt. 141

Roll Call:Mr. Hayes-Yes      Dr. Copley-Yes                                          Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday          , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve the following appropriations and transfers under $50,000.00 dated August 24, 2021 submitted by theCounty Administrator.

Roll Call: Mr. Hayes-Yes            Dr. Copley-Yes             Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday          , Seconded by Commissioner Hayes

To present the Certificate of Appreciation for the Fairland Girls 9-11 Softball Tournament Team.

Roll Call: Mr.Hayes-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes                               Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Copley           , Seconded by Commissioner Hayes

To approve the status change for Sara Aldridge from part time EMT to full time EMT effective August 22 2021 .

Roll Call: Mr. Hayes-Yes            Dr. Copley-Yes              Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday          , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve the Vegetation Control and Mowing Agreement with Yard Work LLC., and the Lawrence CountyCommissioners in the amount of $7,200.00, presented by the Lawrence County Airport Board, approved by the County Prosecutor.

Roll Call: Mr. Hayes-Yes            Dr. Copley-Yes             Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Hayes             , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve the appointment of Bill Allen to the Lawrence County Regional Planning Commission for a three yearterm beginning July 31, and ending 30, 2024.

Roll Call: Mr. Hayes-Yes               Dr. Copley-Yes              Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Copley           , Seconded by Commissioner Hayes

To meet in Executive Session with Chris Kline, Katrina Keith and Gorey Watson regarding Personnel; hire, fire,reprimand.

Roll Call: Mr. Hayes-Yes            Dr. Copley-Yes               Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Call Back Roll Call: Mr. Hayes-Yes               Dr. Copley-Yes               Mrs. Holliday-Yes

Mrs. Holliday declared the meeting adjourned

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Project First Impression is a collaboration between the Lawrence County Commissioners and the Lawrence-Scioto Solid Waste Management District. This initiative brings together law enforcement, trustees, mayors, officeholders, and citizens to work as one and stop people from illegally dumping and littering throughout the county.