Commissioners’ 3rd Business Meeting
4th Overall Meeting
January 28, 2025
10:00 a.m.

The Lawrence County Board of Commissioners met in a Regular Session on the above date and time.
Commissioner Copley, President of the Board, opened the meeting with roll call:
Dr. Colton Copley, President———–—-Present
Mrs. DeAnna Holliday, Vice President—Present
Mr. Mike Finley, Member——————-Present

Summary of Meeting Minutes from January 28, 2025

Lawrence County Commissioners Meeting Highlights – January 28, 2025

The Lawrence County Board of Commissioners held their third business meeting of the year on January 28, 2025. Below are the key updates and decisions:

Administrative Approvals

  • Approved the corrected meeting minutes from January 21, 2025.
  • Authorized multiple floodplain permits for debris removal, stream maintenance, and construction projects across the county.
  • Approved financial transfers for operations, including funds for veterans’ services, technology, soil and water conservation, and the juvenile center.
  • Approved a $1,300 payment for the Chesapeake Bypass project related to a tree removal parcel.

Appointments and Contracts

  • Signed a collective bargaining contract with AFSCME Local 890-2, effective from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2027.
  • Approved an agreement with Monroe County Jail for prisoner housing at $75 per day.
  • Reappointed members to the Lawrence County Port Authority: Aaron Heighton, DeAnna Holliday, and Jeff Eastham.

Personnel Changes

  • Approved the hiring of Shanna Gaskin as Social Services Supervisor for LCDJFS, starting March 3, 2025.
  • Approved personnel updates for LCEMS, including promotions and new hires for EMT roles.

Additional Approvals

  • Extended the sale of dog tags until February 28, 2025, as requested by the Dog Warden.
  • Received and filed the December 2024 monthly report for LCEMS.
  • Received correspondence regarding an obstruction on Township Road 245E from the County Engineer.

Executive Sessions

  • Held discussions on legal contracts, real estate matters, personnel decisions, and pending litigation with various county officials.

All motions were approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned following the final roll call.

Complete Meeting Minutes Text:

Motion by Commissioner Finley             , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve the Meeting Minutes from January 21, 2025, as corrected.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Finley

To approve the following floodplain permits submitted by the Soil and Water Conservation District:


2025-716 Lawrence County Commissioners-Debris removal from boat launches and Stream maintenance projects located Countywide.


2025-717 Bob Taylor-Filling & grading project located at 19750 St. Rt. 141

2025-718 Bob Taylor-Residential repair project located at 19750 St. Rt. 141

2025-719 Bob Taylor-Log House Restoration project located at 19726 St. Rt. 141

2025-720 Bob Taylor-Stream maintenance project located at 19544 St. Rt. 141 and 19750 St. Rt. 141

2025-721 Tom Schneider-Stream maintenance and subsurface drainage projects located on Co. Rd. 8

2025-722 Tom Schneider-Stream maintenance and subsurface drainage projects located at 3566 St. Rt. 378 and 3321 St. Rt. 378

2025-723 Thomas Schneider-Surface drainage project located to the right and behind 887 St. Rt. 378

2025-724 Eric Morris-Stream maintenance project located at 11 St. Rt. 217

2025-725 Steve Heffner-Filling & grading, materials storage, scales and accessory structure projects located at 3670 St. Rt. 7

2025-726 Rick Eplion Paving, Inc.- Filling & grading project located at 7159 Co. Rd. 107

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve the following appropriations and transfers dated January 28, 2025, under $75,000.00 submitted by Dylan Bentley, Acting Administrator.


A02-16A-061-091 TO B65-06F-157-061              $35,000               (1/2% Sales Tax to 911 Operations)

Y24-19C-081-092 (WORKERS COMP) to Y24-19C-084-092 (UNEMPLOYMENT) for $1,250.00

Y24-19C-081-093 (WORKERS COMP) to Y24-19C-084-092 (UNEMPLOYMENT) for $1,250.00

Y24-19C-081-094 (WORKERS COMP) to Y24-19C-084-092 (UNEMPLOYMENT) for $1,250.00

Y24-19C-081-095 (WORKERS COMP) to Y24-19C-084-092 (UNEMPLOYMENT) for $2,500.00

Y24-19C-081-096 (WORKERS COMP) to Y24-19C-084-092 (UNEMPLOYMENT) for $1,250.00

Y24-19C-081-097 (WORKERS COMP) to Y24-19C-084-092 (UNEMPLOYMENT) for $1,250.00

Y24-19C-081-098 (WORKERS COMP) to Y24-19C-084-092 (UNEMPLOYMENT) for $1,250.00

A00-09C-061-000 TO A04-09C-157-061             $35,000              (GF  to Veteran’s Operations)

A00-15A-061-100 TO C92-01A-157-061              $50,000              (GF to Technology)

A00-15A-061-049 TO L00-12F-157-061               $75,000              (GF to Soil and Water)

A00-02L-061-000 TO M02-02L-157-061              $35,000              (GF to Juv Center)

K00-12A-061-000 (TRANSFERS OUT) TO K00-12A-004-000 (Equipment) FOR $40,000.00 Engineer

Appropriations: None

Debt service:

N00-10A-061-054 to O43-18A-157-061                               $87,000.00

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Copley           , Seconded by Commissioner Finley

To approve the Chesapeake Bypass/61A-ROW/Lawrence County Tree $1,300.00 payment for parcel number 23-044-0800.002.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Copley           , Seconded by Commissioner Holliday

To approve and sign the AFSCME Local 890-2 collective Bargaining Contract from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Finley            , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve the extension of dog tag sales until February 28, 2025 requested by Denise Paulus, Dog Warden.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve the following personnel changes for LCDJFS:

Shanna Gaskin Social Services Supervisor beginning March 3, 2025.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Copley           , Seconded by Commissioner Finley

To approve the following personnel changes for LCEMS:

David Peer From FT EMT to FT Advanced EMT

Tyler Melson New Hire PT EMT

Courtney Foster New Hire PT EMT

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To receive and file the LCEMS monthly report for December 2024, submitted by Kathy Bamer, Finance Administrator.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Finley

To receive and file the correspondence from Patrick Leighty, County Engineer, regarding Township Road 245E Obstruction.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Finley            , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To approve and sign the Contract for Prisoner Housing between the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office and Monroe County Jail, at a rate of $75.00 per day for each person incarcerated in the Monroe County Jail.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Finley            , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To reappoint the following members to the Lawrence County Port Authority:

Aaron Heighton

DeAnna Holliday

Jeff Eastham

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To meet in Executive Session with Dylan Bentley, Brian Crosier, Bill Nenni, and Mark Christian regarding Legal Contracts and Real Estate.

Roll Call:  Mr. Finley-Yes          Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Call Back Roll Call:  Mr. Finley-Yes      Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To meet in Executive Session with Dylan Bentley, David Hamm, and Kathy Bamer regarding personnel, hire, fire, reprimand.

Roll Call:  Mr. Finley-Yes          Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Call Back Roll Call:  Mr. Finley-Yes      Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Motion by Commissioner Holliday         , Seconded by Commissioner Copley

To meet in Executive Session with Dylan Bentley, Corey Watson, Tresa Baker, and Brigham Anderson regarding, personnel, pending litigation and real estate.

Roll Call: Mr. Finley-Yes           Mrs. Holliday-Yes         Dr. Copley-Yes

Dr. Copley adjourned the Meeting.


                                                                                    Dr. Colton Copley, President


                                                                                    DeAnna Holliday, Vice President


                                                                                    Mike Finley, Member

                                                                                    Bd of Lawrence County Commissioners

                                                                                    Lawrence County, Ohio

ATTEST: _________________________, Administrative Assistant

Summer Riley, Administrative Assistant

Bd of Lawrence County Commissioners

Lawrence County, Ohio

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Project First Impression is a collaboration between the Lawrence County Commissioners and the Lawrence-Scioto Solid Waste Management District. This initiative brings together law enforcement, trustees, mayors, officeholders, and citizens to work as one and stop people from illegally dumping and littering throughout the county.